Notes from the Office: Updates and information on the latest happenings of the Roosevelt Institution of Middlebury College, the nation's first progressive policy think tank for college students.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Middlebury Campus: Roosevelt Institution Ignites Student Dialouge

The Middlebury Campus
Published: Thursday, November 3, 2005
Page 17

By Jack Lysohir

The Roosevelt Institution's Middlebury Chapter hosted over 100 students and faculty for its kickoff event last Thursday evening. The event celebrated the official launch of Roosevelt's Middlebury Chapter, which was founded last spring. It was held in the Robert A. Jones '59 House and included a performance by the Middlebury Jazz Band as well as speeches from two distinguished guests from outside of Middlebury...

Official Roosevelt literature reads, "Colleges are effectively think tanks, they are just not effective think tanks." The novelty of using college students as thinkers provides Roosevelt with impressive resources. The Institution counts millions of college students as potential researchers and scholars, each one brimming with energy. A political science major's lengthy senior thesis may now go on to become part of an article published in the Roosevelt Review, the Institution's quarterly of about 10 articles, instead of lying dormant in the file cabinets of Munroe...

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