Notes from the Office: Updates and information on the latest happenings of the Roosevelt Institution of Middlebury College, the nation's first progressive policy think tank for college students.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Organization-Wide e-mail

Hello Roosevelt!

1. First things first: Policy Centers are meeting weekly. If you haven’t joined one (what are you waiting for?), it’s not too late.

Just to remind you of the schedule:

Social Justice - Monday, 9pm ­ Stewart First Floor Lounge (rgking, skirk)

Environment ­ Tuesday, 9pm ­ Stewart First Floor Lounge (dwdolgin, scollier)

Governmental Reform ­ Tuesday, 9pm ­ Hepburn First Floor Lounge (whackett, jwessler)

International Affairs ­ Wednesday, 9pm ­ The Grille. (tdunlop, dhopkins)

Education ­ Thursday, 9pm ­ Hepburn First Floor Lounge. (jkaminsky)

Feel free to contact the Center Leader, Policy Coordinator Alex Garlick, or me with questions about the Centers.

2. On Wednesday, November 16th in the evening in Twilight, several campus organizations (Roosevelt included) are sponsoring a screening of the Wal-Mart Movie. I will forward exact details on to you when I have them, but I wanted to make you all aware of what’s going on and give you a heads-up for your calendars’ sake. If you can’t make it on Wednesday, come to the Gamut Room on Thursday at 9pm. Progressives and Roosevelt are sponsoring an additional screening of the Wal-Mart Movie to be followed by an informal discussion. And in case you don’t know, the Wal-Mart Movie was written /directed, etc. by the guy who did “Outfoxed” about Fox News.

Check it out: WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes you behind the glitz and into the real lives of workers and their families, business owners and their communities, in an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think, feel... and shop.

3. The Administrative Committee has been hard at work reforming the internal operating model for Middlebury’s RI Chapter. This will only affect you in a positive way (better communication, more organizational structure, etc...). Basically, we’ve created positions and enumerated the responsibilities of each position in the Constitution. Reader’s Digest version follows:

President: Jessica Singleton

Chair of Administrative Committee Policy Coordinator’s liaison to all things logistical, Administrative, etc... Liaison to RI national

Policy Coordinator: Alex Garlick Liaison for Center Leaders to Administrative Committee

Development Director: Abigail Blum External Relations Fundraising Events SGA/ Finance Com/ CCAL Liaison

Communications Team:

Press- Scott Greene;

Marketing- Jake Cohen;

Technology- Jon Sherr

Editor-in-Chief of the Middlebury Policy Journal (yet to be named): Jack Lysohir

That’s all I have for now. Stay tuned for updates about the Midd Policy Journal, Policy Centers, and the Wal-Mart Movie.

RI to revamping and redoing, Jessie Singleton