Notes from the Office: Updates and information on the latest happenings of the Roosevelt Institution of Middlebury College, the nation's first progressive policy think tank for college students.

Monday, November 21, 2005


There will be no policy center meetings this week. I hope everyone enjoys their thanksgiving break.

Here are some other key points from Jessie's latest org wide email:

The deadline for submitting work to be considered for publication in the Roosevelt Review is December 12th. I’m sure many of you are planning to submit those well-researched term-papers your finishing before noon tomorrow or first thesis draft due two weeks ago. In the words of the Illustrious Jefferson Bates and the Center on the Environment, “We want to make your ideas law.” If you are and would like some help editing your work and figuring out the style and format of a policy brief, please let me know. RI’s bag of tricks includes a process we’ve outlined for helping our fellows develop their works into analytical policy pieces.

The Wal-Mart movie was well attended both on Wednesday night in Twilight and on Thursday night in the Gamut Room (Gamut with one M, as I was reminded in passing on Thursday evening after spelling it incorrectly for two weeks.)