Notes from the Office: Updates and information on the latest happenings of the Roosevelt Institution of Middlebury College, the nation's first progressive policy think tank for college students.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Vitals #7

1.Congratulations to Ali Widas from the Center for International Affairs! The Internationalist magazine selected her piece entitled Hamas: A US Policy Guide. Check it out online:

2. The Center for International Affairs is pleased to announce four panelists for the April 28th Panel focused on the UN’s 8th Millennium Goal: Creating a Global Partnership for Development. The Panel will be from 4:30-6 in the Robert A. Jones ‘59 House on April 28th.
This event is in conjunction with the Midd8 Month of Global Awareness.
Dr. Ariel King, PhD, Ariel Consulting International
Amil Husain, UN Global Youth Outreach Coordinator for the Millennium Campaign
Parker Diggory, Religions for Peace, Midd Alum
Alex Neroth, Bread for the World, New England Representative
David Hopkins, Center for International Affairs, Director (David will Moderate)

3. The Center for Women and Gender had a productive meeting last Friday with Barbara Gault, from a DC Think Tank, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. She and Professor May offered many helpful suggestions to the Center in preparation for their research for the event with Senator Leahy Fall 2006. Email Center Director Hallie Fox for more information or stop by the meeting tomorrow night at 9 in Stew 2 lounge!

4. Working on a Thesis? Have a great policy idea? Want to present your ideas to Washington this summer? Apply to present your ideas, host a workshop, or sit on a panel with the experts at the Roosevelt Institution Summer Policy Expo! August 2nd, Washington DC. Info attached!

6. The time is NOW: Elections for Next Year happen next week. Please think about running for one of the following positions:
Chapter President
Policy Coordinator
External Outreach Director
Communications Director
Events Director
Send a brief letter of intent to Jessie by Friday of this week if you would like to announce your candidacy. If you have questions about the demands of any of these positions, please feel free to email Jessie or Alex .

RI to sustainable development! -JS

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Policy Center Meeting Times and Locations

Social Justice & Governmental Reform
Monday – 9pm – Stewart First Floor Lounge

Sunday – 9pm – Chateau Grand Salon
(with the Sunday Night Group)

Women & Gender
Monday – 8pm – Stewart 2nd Floor Lounge

International Affairs
Wednesday – 8pm – Gifford Classroom

Monday, February 27, 2006

Spring Launch

Please Join us tomorrow evening for theRoosevelt Institution’s Spring 2006 Kick-off!
8:00 PM Gifford Annex Lounge
Hors d’oeuvres
Remarks from Center Directors Samatha Collier, Dave Dolginow, Tarsi Dunlop, Hallie Fox, David Hopkins, Rob King, and Sarah Kirk and the Admin-duo Alex Garlick and Jessie Singleton

This event is designed to be casual and informative. We hope to reunite with those who were unable to participate in the fall, and meet those who are new to Roosevelt. Roosevelt wants policy people, but we want administrative people, too!

Find out more tomorrow night!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day e-mail

In honor of V-Day, Roosevelt is pleased to announce the opening of our newest policy center, The Center on Women Issues. Special thanks to Hallie Fox, the new center’s Director. We will kick-off the center with a booth outside the Vagina Monologues performance on Saturday evening (7:00 & 9:30 PM), February 18th in McCullough Social Space.

The Center will meet regularly on Sunday evenings at 7:30 in Stewart 2nd Floor Lounge. Please email Hallie ( with questions. Hope to see you there!Here are a few updates:
TUESDAY, February 21st, in Hepburn Lounge at 8:00 PM is the Roosevelt Institution’s Spring Semester Kickoff Event. Hear from President Jessie Singleton, Policy Coordinator Alex Garlick, Center Directors and others on topics such as Why Roosevelt?, What, exactly, college students have to offer the world of public policy, and plans for Spring Semester, including policy writing workshops, faculty outreach events, and meetings with members of Vermont State Legislature. If you’ve wanted to become involved with Roosevelt and weren’t able to make it in the fall, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!
Casual. Refreshments will be served.

The NEW Center meeting schedule will be released in a few days, so look forward to that.
Thursday, February 16th is the Campus Activities Fair- please let Alex Garlick ( know if you are interested in helping with the table.IMPORTANT: if you are interested in applying for an editorial position with the Roosevelt Review, Roosevelt Institution’s national policy publication, you may apply via the website (

We encourage you all to consider applying for a position with the Review team. These positions are time consuming, but are mostly summer obligations and the experience you will gain from this work is priceless. Jessie, Alex, and your center leaders would be happy to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf.

You may contact either Jack Lysohir ( or Jessie Singleton( with questions. Get excited about Spring Semester. And please pencil next Tuesday into your calendars- we will welcome new members and reconnect with the old. There is no better time to become involved with a policy center than NOW!

Monday, November 21, 2005


There will be no policy center meetings this week. I hope everyone enjoys their thanksgiving break.

Here are some other key points from Jessie's latest org wide email:

The deadline for submitting work to be considered for publication in the Roosevelt Review is December 12th. I’m sure many of you are planning to submit those well-researched term-papers your finishing before noon tomorrow or first thesis draft due two weeks ago. In the words of the Illustrious Jefferson Bates and the Center on the Environment, “We want to make your ideas law.” If you are and would like some help editing your work and figuring out the style and format of a policy brief, please let me know. RI’s bag of tricks includes a process we’ve outlined for helping our fellows develop their works into analytical policy pieces.

The Wal-Mart movie was well attended both on Wednesday night in Twilight and on Thursday night in the Gamut Room (Gamut with one M, as I was reminded in passing on Thursday evening after spelling it incorrectly for two weeks.)

Friday, November 18, 2005

Center on Gov: OP-ED

Pardon me, is the gov't above the law?
The author is a fellow of the Roosevelt Institution Center on Governmental Reform.

Issue date: 11/17/05 Section: Opinions

The indictment of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is exposing a flaw in the structure of our government that has been exploited by both Democratic and Republican administrations: the pardon. Scooter Libby, chief of staff for Vice President Dick Cheney, is charged with leaking the identity of Valerie Plame, a CIA operative. If convicted, Libby faces up to 30 years for his actions; however, he's likely to serve less than 10 percent of that sentence because he has a presidential pardon in his future...

Read the entire article at

Monday, November 14, 2005

Organization-Wide e-mail

Hello Roosevelt!

1. First things first: Policy Centers are meeting weekly. If you haven’t joined one (what are you waiting for?), it’s not too late.

Just to remind you of the schedule:

Social Justice - Monday, 9pm ­ Stewart First Floor Lounge (rgking, skirk)

Environment ­ Tuesday, 9pm ­ Stewart First Floor Lounge (dwdolgin, scollier)

Governmental Reform ­ Tuesday, 9pm ­ Hepburn First Floor Lounge (whackett, jwessler)

International Affairs ­ Wednesday, 9pm ­ The Grille. (tdunlop, dhopkins)

Education ­ Thursday, 9pm ­ Hepburn First Floor Lounge. (jkaminsky)

Feel free to contact the Center Leader, Policy Coordinator Alex Garlick, or me with questions about the Centers.

2. On Wednesday, November 16th in the evening in Twilight, several campus organizations (Roosevelt included) are sponsoring a screening of the Wal-Mart Movie. I will forward exact details on to you when I have them, but I wanted to make you all aware of what’s going on and give you a heads-up for your calendars’ sake. If you can’t make it on Wednesday, come to the Gamut Room on Thursday at 9pm. Progressives and Roosevelt are sponsoring an additional screening of the Wal-Mart Movie to be followed by an informal discussion. And in case you don’t know, the Wal-Mart Movie was written /directed, etc. by the guy who did “Outfoxed” about Fox News.

Check it out: WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes you behind the glitz and into the real lives of workers and their families, business owners and their communities, in an extraordinary journey that will challenge the way you think, feel... and shop.

3. The Administrative Committee has been hard at work reforming the internal operating model for Middlebury’s RI Chapter. This will only affect you in a positive way (better communication, more organizational structure, etc...). Basically, we’ve created positions and enumerated the responsibilities of each position in the Constitution. Reader’s Digest version follows:

President: Jessica Singleton

Chair of Administrative Committee Policy Coordinator’s liaison to all things logistical, Administrative, etc... Liaison to RI national

Policy Coordinator: Alex Garlick Liaison for Center Leaders to Administrative Committee

Development Director: Abigail Blum External Relations Fundraising Events SGA/ Finance Com/ CCAL Liaison

Communications Team:

Press- Scott Greene;

Marketing- Jake Cohen;

Technology- Jon Sherr

Editor-in-Chief of the Middlebury Policy Journal (yet to be named): Jack Lysohir

That’s all I have for now. Stay tuned for updates about the Midd Policy Journal, Policy Centers, and the Wal-Mart Movie.

RI to revamping and redoing, Jessie Singleton

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Middlebury Campus: Roosevelt Institution Ignites Student Dialouge

The Middlebury Campus
Published: Thursday, November 3, 2005
Page 17

By Jack Lysohir

The Roosevelt Institution's Middlebury Chapter hosted over 100 students and faculty for its kickoff event last Thursday evening. The event celebrated the official launch of Roosevelt's Middlebury Chapter, which was founded last spring. It was held in the Robert A. Jones '59 House and included a performance by the Middlebury Jazz Band as well as speeches from two distinguished guests from outside of Middlebury...

Official Roosevelt literature reads, "Colleges are effectively think tanks, they are just not effective think tanks." The novelty of using college students as thinkers provides Roosevelt with impressive resources. The Institution counts millions of college students as potential researchers and scholars, each one brimming with energy. A political science major's lengthy senior thesis may now go on to become part of an article published in the Roosevelt Review, the Institution's quarterly of about 10 articles, instead of lying dormant in the file cabinets of Munroe...

Read the entire article at