Notes from the Office: Updates and information on the latest happenings of the Roosevelt Institution of Middlebury College, the nation's first progressive policy think tank for college students.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Vitals #7

1.Congratulations to Ali Widas from the Center for International Affairs! The Internationalist magazine selected her piece entitled Hamas: A US Policy Guide. Check it out online:

2. The Center for International Affairs is pleased to announce four panelists for the April 28th Panel focused on the UN’s 8th Millennium Goal: Creating a Global Partnership for Development. The Panel will be from 4:30-6 in the Robert A. Jones ‘59 House on April 28th.
This event is in conjunction with the Midd8 Month of Global Awareness.
Dr. Ariel King, PhD, Ariel Consulting International
Amil Husain, UN Global Youth Outreach Coordinator for the Millennium Campaign
Parker Diggory, Religions for Peace, Midd Alum
Alex Neroth, Bread for the World, New England Representative
David Hopkins, Center for International Affairs, Director (David will Moderate)

3. The Center for Women and Gender had a productive meeting last Friday with Barbara Gault, from a DC Think Tank, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. She and Professor May offered many helpful suggestions to the Center in preparation for their research for the event with Senator Leahy Fall 2006. Email Center Director Hallie Fox for more information or stop by the meeting tomorrow night at 9 in Stew 2 lounge!

4. Working on a Thesis? Have a great policy idea? Want to present your ideas to Washington this summer? Apply to present your ideas, host a workshop, or sit on a panel with the experts at the Roosevelt Institution Summer Policy Expo! August 2nd, Washington DC. Info attached!

6. The time is NOW: Elections for Next Year happen next week. Please think about running for one of the following positions:
Chapter President
Policy Coordinator
External Outreach Director
Communications Director
Events Director
Send a brief letter of intent to Jessie by Friday of this week if you would like to announce your candidacy. If you have questions about the demands of any of these positions, please feel free to email Jessie or Alex .

RI to sustainable development! -JS