Notes from the Office: Updates and information on the latest happenings of the Roosevelt Institution of Middlebury College, the nation's first progressive policy think tank for college students.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Social Justice Update

Center leader Rob King just reported that the Center on Social Justice had a very productive meeting tonight and is considering looking at Agricultural Subsidies and Privitization of Prisons.

Read more on Farm Subsidies:

The Cash Croppers
Farm Subsidies balloon

Jessie's organization-wide email

Hello Roosevelt’ers--First things first- Thank you for your help last Thursday and Congratulations on a successful campus kick-off event. Four days later, I still get chills when thinking about that night, and I’m not just thinking about Alex in a suit or Tyler’s Bowtie.

Mingling with the jazz quartet was perfect- you are impressive schmoozers. And Ethan’s remarks about re-structuring the “pyramid” and Prof. Blum’s insights about the traditions and roots of progressivism gave purpose to our efforts. I’ve gotten so used to spewing talking points about RI that I sometimes forget we really are re-defining the world of public policy on our own terms, for our own time. Bravo and Congratulations. The DVD of the event will be ready soon. (Clearly this is occasion enough for a viewing soiree...) I’ll keep you posted.

If you missed the event, we missed you, too. But since RI is actually a policy think tank rather than a glorified events committee, everyone forgives you. You should pick a policy center go to the meetings starting
Social Justice - Monday, 9pm – Stewart First Floor Lounge (rgking, skirk)
Environment – Tuesday, 9pm – Stewart First Floor Lounge (dwdolgin, scollier)
Governmental Reform – Tuesday, 9pm – Hepburn First Floor Lounge (whackett, jwessler)
International Affairs – Wednesday, 9pm – The Grille. (tdunlop, dhopkins)
Education – Thursday, 9pm – Hepburn First Floor Lounge. (jkaminsky)

If you are doing research in any of these areas for your class and would like to submit your work to one of the policy centers, contact the center leaders (whose email address are included in parenthesis).

RI to throwing our shoulders back and going to work,
Jessie Singleton

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A picture from tonight Alex Garlick with Keynote Speaker Ethan Strimling, State Senator from Maine Posted by Picasa

Launch Event

Tonight's launch event was a tremendous success!
Our keynote speaker Ethan Strimling was clear and articulate speaking about the need for progressives to invert the pyramid which currently exists in progressive politics and build from the ground up through grassroots organizing and ideas.
Next, John Morton Blum, Professor Emeritus from Yale gave a history of the progressive movement and explained why what we're doing here is important.
Also, Abigail Blum, Jessie Singleton, and I delivered remarks.

75 students signed in, but the crowd was estimated to be at over 100 guests.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Scott's Campus Wide e-mail

the roosevelt institution invites you to its grand kickoff event:

Thursday October 27, 20057:30 p.m.
Robert A. Jones ’59 House

Join us for refreshments and gourmet food, followed by a short program that will feature Maine State Senator Ethan Strimling and Yale Professor Emeritus John Morton Blum

Ideas Wanted

My personal invitation


I’m writing to just personally invite you to the formal launching of the Roosevelt Institution of Middlebury College tomorrow night at 7:30 in the Robert A. Jones House (behind the Tennis Courts near Proctor). Hopefully you’ve seen or heard about the event from some source on campus already, but this is just a final reminder.

Anyways, if I haven’t had the chance to explain the virtues of this very unique organization to you (It’s the nation’s first progressive policy think tank for college students) tomorrow night will be a great chance to stop by and see what’s going on. The program will only last about half an hour but it should be informative, entertaining and inspirational. And hopefully you can get involved as well, there will be great things going on this year and in the future.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Notes from The Office

Greetings everyone and welcome to Midd-RI -- the official blog of the Roosevelt Instituion... this space will be used for many different reasons:
1) Keeping you informed of Roosevelt events on campus and across the country.
2) Updates on the progress of our policy centers.
3) Highlighting campus events related to our policy centers and what not.
4) A chance to stay up to date with the workings of the executive committee.
5) Your connection to "The Office" where all the magic happens.

I'll be maintaining the blog... so if you have anything you need the world to know about Roosevelt, whether you are a fellow, center leader or scholar in residence, please let me know.


Sunday, October 23, 2005

Profile Picture

Posted by Picasa

My name is Alex Garlick, and I will be your blogger today. If you have any questions please direct them to me at or visit our chapter website at , please check back often for updates and information